A Plan For a Better America
Here’s what the candidate (John Bowles) stands for:
- A sound education for every White child which will teach honesty, morality, and strength of character, and instill a sense of pride in the great heritage and traditions of the White Race.
- Law and order, so White citizens can walk the streets of their city at any time without fear, ruthless action against the city’s criminal population.
- Right to keep and bear arms. I oppose any attempt to disarm law-abiding White citizens. Law abiding White citizens should have the right to carry a concealed firearm for protection from rampant black-on-white crime.
- Free health care for all White citizens.
- Encourage states to have easier ballot access laws for third political parties.
- Return to the gold standard to get the money supply under control, reverse the wage-price spiral, and get the cost of living under control and to greatly reduce the cost of real property so White citizens can buy a house and land to raise their children and not be in debt their entire life.
- Recognize the traditional marriage of a male and female.
- Rights of homeowners. The elimination of property tax. No more family farm foreclosures. Zero interest home mortgage loans.
- Abolish the present tax system. A new 5% flat tax rate system on earned income. This will be the one and only tax allowed. No more wasting of White taxpayers money by the government. In addition, all overtime will not be taxed.
- Right of state sovereignty. Each state should be able to officially declare that any power of law not directly given to the federal government by the constitution can be nullified by the state congress. Also, to recognize that the 10th Amendment means that the federal government was created by the states to be an agent of the states instead of the states being an agent of the federal government.
- White soldiers should never be placed in harm's way except to meet and defeat any direct and immediate threat. The USA military should not be used to further the interests of another country, i.e., Israel.
- Every qualified White citizen should have a a fair crack at all job openings, regardless of any racial-quota system. I oppose any anti-White discriminatory practices in this Nation.
- Generous help for every needy White citizen, but not one cent for non-White welfare parasites now living off the White taxpayer.
- Encouraging illegal non-White immigrants to leave, telling pushy minority agitators where they go.
Asians to Asia, African-Americans to Africa, mixed racial populations will be sent to Northern Africa or the Middle East, which are traditionally the areas for racial mixing. No public scorn or retribution against these forementioned people will be permitted; they will be allowed to keep whatever wealth they have accrued and will be treated honorably. - A government of, by, and for the people, not for special minorities, illegal non-White immigrants, traitors, race-mixers, and sellout politicians. I will not yield the interests of the White majority to any non-White minority interests.
America needs a President with the courage and honesty to stand up as a White man for the White citizens.
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